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Article 20

Other reasons for the issue of residence permits

条款 20


原文:B. Owners of property in Greece


原文:1. By decision of the secretary general of the decentralisedadministration, a five-year residence permit subject to renewal shall begranted to a third country national who:

翻译:根据希腊管理区秘书长决议,获发 5 年期可续签居留许可的第三国公民需满足以下条件:

原文:(a) Has legally entered the country with any type of visa or legally residesin the country, even if the residence instrument in his possession doesnot permit change of purpose;


原文:(b) Personally has the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoymentof real estate property in Greece. In case of joint ownership of a propertyto the value of EUR 250 000, the right of residence shall only be grantedif the owners of the property are spouses with indivisible shares in theproperty. In all other cases of joint ownership, the right of residence shallonly be granted if the joint ownership rate of each joint owner equals tothe value of EUR 250 000;

翻译:个人在希腊拥有房产并对其具有完全所有权、占有权和和平享有权。如多人共同拥有一套价值 25 万欧元房产,只有当上述房产产权共同所有人为合法夫妻且房屋所有权不可分割时,房产所有人才能同时获得居留权。其它共有房产情况,只有当房产所有者拥有的房产份额价值达到 25 万欧元时,该房产所有者才能获发居留许可。

原文:(c) Has the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoyment of realestate property in Greece via a legal entity whose shares are fully ownedby such national;-华清移民


原文:(d) Has made an agreement with a minimum term of ten years for thelease of hotel accommodation or furnished tourist residences in touristaccommodation complexes pursuant to Article 8(2) of Law 4002/2011(Government Gazette, Series I, No 180);

翻译:在游客接待中心与酒店或游客住宿旅馆依据法案 4002/2011(政府公报,卷 I,第 180 条)签订了为期至少 10 年的租房合约。

原文:(e) Has made a time sharing agreement pursuant to the provisions ofLaw 1652/1986 regulating time sharing agreements and related matters(Government Gazette, Series I, No 167), as in force.

翻译:依据法案 1652/1986 关于分时协议和相关事项(政府公报,卷 I,第 167 条)的法律规定签订了分时协议且该协议已生效。

原文:2. The minimum value of the real estate property and the contractualconsideration of leases of hotels or tourist residences referred to in thisArticle is set at two hundred and fifty thousand euros (EUR 250 000) andmust be fully paid up on the signing of the agreement.


原文:The consideration is paid by crossed bank cheque or other banktransaction, the particulars of which must be solemnly stated by thecontracting parties before the notary who prepares the agreement anddeclared in the agreement. By joint decision of the Ministers for theInterior and Finance, the value of the above real estate property may beadjusted, and shall result from the value of the property stated in thecontract or of the lease agreement.


原文:3. Third-country nationals who own real estate property may lease thatproperty.


原文:4. Such third-country nationals may be accompanied by their familymembers to whom an individual residence permits shall be issuedfollowing a relevant application, which shall expire together with theresidence permit of the sponsor. Family members shall mean:

翻译:上述第三国公民家庭成员可作为附属申请人一同申请居留许可,上述居留许可有效期同主申请人居留许可有效期一致。家庭成员包括【2015 年法案对此条规定有所修改,详见下文】:

原文:(a) the spouse;


原文:(b) the lineal descendants of the spouses or either spouse, who are under21 years old.-华清移民

翻译:夫妻双方共同或各自所生的 21 周岁以下直系子女。

原文:5. The above permit may be renewed for an equal period each time,provided that the real estate property remains in the ownership andpossession of the third country national, or the agreements referred to inparagraph 1 above remain effective and all other requirements providedfor by law are met. Periods of absence from the country shall not hinderthe renewal of the residence permit. Resale of real estate property duringthe period of validity of the residence permit to another third-countrynational shall not entitle the buyer to the issue of a residence permit.

翻译:上述居留许可续签,每次续签后有效期一致。续签需满足以下条件:第三国公民仍持有上述房产或第 1 段所述合约仍然有效且满足法律规定的所有其它要求,且居留许可的续签不受在希腊当地居住时长的影响。在居留许可有效期内将房产出售给其他第三国公民并不能使购买房产的第三国公民获得居留许可【2015 年法案对此条规定有所修改,详见下文】。

原文:6. The residence permits issued pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 4 of thisArticle shall not grant the right of access to any form of employment.

翻译:根据本条款第 1 段和第 4 段规定获发居留许可的第三国公民并不具有在当地就业的权利。

原文:7. The period of residence referred to in the provisions of part B hereofshall not be taken into account for inclusion in the status of long-termresident and the granting of nationality to the relevant residents.

翻译:本条款 B 部分规定的居留期将不计入计算颁发长期居民和国民身份所要求的居留期限中。【2015 年法案对此条规定有所修改,详见下文】

原文:8. The residence permit shall be issued within two months fromprocurement of all file information to the issuing authority.

翻译:发证机关在获得所有必需的材料信息后将在 2 个月内颁发居留许可。

原文:C. Adult children, over the age of 20, of members of the diplomatic staffand of the administrative and technical staff of a diplomatic mission, andchildren of consular officers and special consular employees serving inGreece, if they live with their parents. Residence permits shall be issuedby decision of the secretary general of the decentralised administrationfor a period equal to the term of office of those persons.-华清移民

翻译:如外交人员以及外交使团行政和技术官员的 20 周岁以上成年子女,驻希腊领管官员和特殊雇员的子女同他们的父母一同生活,他们将根据希腊管理区秘书长决议获发居留许可,该居留许可有效期同上述外交人员任期一致。

原文:D: Dependent family members, being lineal ascendants, of members ofthe diplomatic staff and of the administrative and technical staff of adiplomatic mission, and of consular officers and special consularemployees serving in Greece.Residence permits shall be issued by decision of the secretary general ofthe decentralised administration for a period equal to the term of officeof those persons.Issue of a residence permit shall be subject to payment by the interestedpersons of the relevant fees, unless the sending country exempts Greekemployees who serve there from similar fees. The above permit shall beissued within two months from procurement of all file information to theissuing authority and shall grant no right of access to the labour market.

翻译:依附于在希腊工作的外交人员、外交使团的行政、技术官员,领事官员和领馆特殊雇员的直系亲属。将根据希腊管理区秘书长的决议获发居留许可,该居留许可有效期为上述外交、领事人员的任职期。获发居留许可需缴纳相关费用,除非上述外交人员派遣国豁免希腊派驻当地雇员的类似费用。发证机关将在获得所有必要信息后 2 个月内颁发居留许可,但获发人不得在希腊当地就业。

原文:E. By decision of the secretary general of the decentralisedadministration, residence permits shall be issued to persons employed asprivate servants to members of diplomatic missions who are abroad andare sent to Greece, pursuant to Article 1(h) of the Vienna Convention of1961 on Diplomatic Relations, which was ratified by virtue of LegislativeDecree 503/1970 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 108).

翻译:E.根据 1961 年维也纳外交公约条款 1(h)被派驻希腊并经过 503/1970 法令(政府宪报,卷 I,第 108 号)认证的外交使团成员私下雇佣的服务人员将根据希腊管理区秘书长的决议获发居留许可。

原文:Residence permits shall be issued for a period equal to the duration oftheir relation with the member of the diplomatic mission and shall notgrant the right of access to the labour market.


原文:F. By decision of the secretary general of the decentralisedadministration, residence permits shall be issued to the area of MountAthos for studies or acquaintance with monastic life in Mount Athos, atthe request of the interested persons to one of the twenty HolyMonasteries of Mount Athos and a motion of the Holy Community,provided that:

翻译:F:根据希腊管理区秘书长决议,前往阿索斯山学习或体验僧侣生活的人士在向阿索斯山 20 家修道院其中一家提出申请并获得神圣社区推荐后可以获发居留许可,前提是:

原文:a. The hosting Holy Monastery certifies that it shall provideaccommodation, food and cover other subsistence expenses, andprovide coverage for hospitalisation and full healthcare expenses;


原文:b. The hosting Holy Monastery of Mount Athos forwards to thecompetent directorate of the decentralised administration the motion ofthe Holy Community together with the relevant application;


原文:c. Permits shall be issued for one year subject to renewal for an equalduration each time, and may not exceed five years in total.

翻译:该居留许可有效期为 1 年,到期后可续签,每次续签后有效期仍为 1 年,最多续签 4 次。

原文:G. By decision of the secretary general of the decentralisedadministration, one-year residence permits, subject to renewal for anequal duration, shall be issued to third-country nationals who wish to getacquainted with monastic life or become a monk, provided that therelevant Holy Monastery certifies that they have been so accepted.An application for the issue of this type of residence permit shall beaccompanied by a relevant certificate that all healthcare expenses arecovered.

翻译:希望体验修道院生活或出家且拟前往的修道院证明已接受其申请的第三国公民根据管理区秘书长决议可获发有效期为 1 年的居留许可,该居留许可可续签,续签 1 次有效期延长 1 年。申请此类居留许可的申请人应出具所有医疗费用已有人承担的证明。


原文:27. The title of Chapter II, Article 20 of Law 4251/2014 “Owners ofProperty inGreece” shall be replaced to read as follows:“Permanent residencepermit for investors”

翻译:法令 4251/2014 第 II 章条款 20 的标题“在希腊拥有房产”更换为“投资者永久居留许可”-华清移民

原文:28. In paragraph 4, Chapter II of Article 20 of Law 4251/2014, indent (c)shall be added to read as follows:“(c) Direct ascendants of spouses.”

翻译:法令 4251/2014 第 II 章条款 20 第 4 段增加一条“(c) 夫妻双方直系亲属”。

原文:29. The third sentence of paragraph 5, Chapter II, Article 20 of Law4251/2014 shall be replaced to read as follows:“Resale of real estateproperty while the residence permit is valid to another third-countrynational grants to the new buyer the right to a residence permit while atthe same time the seller’s residence permit is being withdrawn.”

翻译:法令 4251/2014 第 II 章条款 20 第 5 段第三句更换为“在居留许可有效期内将房产出售给另外一位第三国公民将使买家获得居留许可,但卖家居留许可将被取消或者撤销。 ”

原文:30. Paragraph 7, Chapter II, Article 20 of Law 4251/2014 is abolished andparagraph 8 is renumbered as paragraph 7.

翻译:删除法令 4251/2014 第 II 章条款 20 第 7 段内容,原第 8 段序号变为第 7 段。


