成都加拿大配偶移民体检机构名单 - 华清出国网 

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精准评估 客观建议 专业服务 透明收费

City: Chengdu
Name: Xianju He
Address: Chengdu IME Centre,
6/F., Chengdu Western Hospital,
No.2, 3rd Section of Erhuan Road,
Telephone: +86-(28)-87575985
Spoken Languages: English, Mandarin

City: Chengdu
Name: Hongli Wang
Address: Chengdu IME Centre (formerly: Chengdu Western Hospital),
6th Floor,The Western Hospital No. 2, 3rd Section of Erhuan Road Jinniu District Sichuan,
(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Ce professionnel désigné ou cette clinique offrent des services payés par le Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire.)
Telephone: 86-28-8757-5985 email: chengdu@rcime.com
website: https://www.rcime.com
Spoken Languages: English, Mandarin

City: Chengdu
Name: Fei Cao
Address: Chengdu IME Centre (formerly: Chengdu Western Hospital),
6th Floor The Western Hospital,
No 2 3rd Section of Erhuan Road,
Telephone: (028) 8757-5985
Spoken Languages: English, Mandarin

City: Chengdu
Name: Chang Bo Liang
Address: Chengdu IME Centre (formerly: Chengdu Western Hospital),
6th Floor The Western Hospital,
No 2 3rd Section of Erhuan Road,
(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Ce professionnel désigné ou cette clinique offrent des services payés par le Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire.)
Telephone: 86-(28)-8757 5985 e-Mail: chengdu@rcime
website: https://www.rcime.com
Spoken Languages: English, Mandarin

City: Chengdu
Name: Xiao Hong He
Address: Chengdu IME Centre (formerly: Chengdu Western Hospital),
6th Floor The Western Hospital,
No 2 3rd Section of Erhuan Road,
(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Ce professionnel désigné ou cette clinique offrent des services payés par le Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire.)
Telephone: (86-28) 8757 5985 e-mail: chengdu@rcime
website: https://www.rcime.com
Spoken Languages: English, Mandarin


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