平面设计师和插画师自雇移民加拿大-平面设计师和插画师移民加拿大-华清出国 - 华清出国网 

始于2005,出国行业诚信服务机构 | 专业移民律师团队

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平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators


平面设计师和插画家头衔范例 Example Titles

* 3D动画艺术家 3D animation artist
* 广告设计师 advertising designer
* 动画制作 - 动画电影 animator – animated films
* 钞票设计师 bank note designer
* 漫画家 cartoonist
* 商业艺术家 commercial artist
* 图形艺术家 graphic artist
* 平面设计师 graphic designer
* 平面设计师 - 多媒体 graphic designer – multimedia
* 插画 illustrator
* 布局设计 layout designer
* 医学插画 medical illustrator
* 多媒体插画 multimedia illustrator
* 科学插画 scientific illustrator

平面设计师和插画家主要职责 Main duties

### 平面设计师执行部分或全部下列职责:Graphic designers perform some or all of the following duties:

* 与客户咨询,建立宣传材料的整体外观,图形元素和内容,以满足他们的需求
Consult with clients to establish the overall look, graphic elements and content of communications materials in order to meet their needs

* 确定最适合的媒介,以产生所需的视觉效果,以及用于交流的最适当的媒介物
Determine the medium best suited to produce the desired visual effect and the most appropriate vehicle for communication

* 开发图形元素,以满足客户的目标
Develop the graphic elements that meet the clients' objectives

* 使用传统工具,多媒体软件和图像处理,准备要被渲染的主题的草图,布局和图形元素,布局和设计软件
Prepare sketches, layouts and graphic elements of the subjects to be rendered using traditional tools, multimedia software and image processing, layout and design software

* 评估要完成图形设计所需材料成本和时间
Estimate cost of materials and time to complete graphic design

* 使用现有的照片和插图库和排版指南或聘请插画家或摄影师来制作图像,满足客户的交流需求
Use existing photo and illustration banks and typography guides or hire an illustrator or photographer to produce images that meet clients' communications needs

* 为插画家或摄影师建立指南
Establish guidelines for illustrators or photographers

* 统筹印刷,视听或电子材料,如网站,CD和互动终端的制作的各个方面
Co-ordinate all aspects of production for print, audio-visual or electronic materials, such as Web sites, CDs and interactive terminals

* 协调分包
Co-ordinate sub-contracting

* 在多学科环境工作
Work in a multidisciplinary environment

* 监督其他的图形设计师或图形艺术技术人员。
Supervise other graphic designers or graphic arts technicians.

### 插画家执行部分或全部下列职责:Illustrators perform some or all of the following duties:

* 与客户协商来确定插图的性质和内容,以满足他们的交流需求
Consult with clients to determine the nature and content of illustrations in order to meet their communications needs

* 通过手工或使用计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件,为印刷材料,如书籍,杂志,包装,贺卡及文具等开发并制作现实或代表性的草图和最终插图。
Develop and produce realistic or representational sketches and final illustrations, by hand or using computer-assisted design (CAD) software, for printed materials such as books, magazines, packaging, greeting cards and stationery

* 协助开发用于电子制作的剧情图版,如多媒体,互动和数码产品,电视广告及制作
Assist in developing storyboards for electronic productions such as multimedia, interactive and digital products and television advertising and productions

* 制作2-D和3-D动画图纸或计算机插图
Produce 2-D and 3-D animated drawings or computer illustrations

* 可以改编现有插图。
May adapt existing illustrations.

* 插画家可能专注于某一特定领域,如儿童,广告,社论,幽默,或医学,科学或技术插图或多媒体设计的插图。
Illustrators may specialize in a particular field such as illustrations for children, advertising, editorials, humour, or medical, scientific or technical illustration, or multimedia design.

平面设计师和插画家职称头衔 All titles

* 2D动画艺术家 2D animation artist
* 2D动画师 2D animator
* 3D动画艺术家 3D animation artist
* 三维动画师 3D animator
* 广告公司艺术总监 advertising art director
* 广告艺术总监 advertising art supervisor
* 广告艺术家 advertising artist
* 广告设计师 advertising designer
* 广告插画 advertising illustrator
* 广告版面设计师 advertising layout designer
* 动画艺术家 animated cartoon artist
* 动画艺术家 - 视觉艺术 animated cartoon artist – visual arts
* 动画卡通配色 animated cartoon colourist
* 动画艺术家 animation artist
* 动画布局设计 animation layout designer
* 动画制作 - 动画电影 animator – animated films
* 动画师,平面设计和插图 animator, graphic design and illustration
* 艺术设计设计师 art layout designer
* 艺术家,故事情节 artist, storyboard
* 艺术插画 artistic illustrator
* 助理动画师 - 动画电影 assistant animator – animated films
* 背景艺术家 background artist
* 钞票设计师 bank note designer
* 生物插画 biological illustrator
* 业务形成设计师 business forms designer
* 书法家 calligrapher
* 书法艺术家 calligraphic artist
* 漫画家 caricaturist
* 卡通电影艺术家 cartoon film artist
* 漫画家 cartoonist
* 漫画家素描 cartoonist sketch
* 目录插画 catalogue illustrator
* 细胞漫画家 cell animator
* 角色动画师 character animator
* 首席,广告插画 chief, advertising illustrator
* 色彩的艺术家 - 漫画 colour artist – cartoons
* 配色 - 漫画 colourist – cartoons
* 商业艺术家 commercial artist
* 商业设计艺术家 commercial design artist
* 商业设计师 commercial designer
* 通信设计师 communication designer
* 电脑动画 computer animator
* 计算机图形专家 computer graphics specialist
* 内容总监 content director
* 内容战略家 content strategist
* 封面设计 cover designer
* 封面插画 cover page illustrator
* cybergraphic设计师 cybergraphic designer
* 设计师,表单布局 designer, form layouts
* 数字动画师 - 艺术家 digital animator – artist
* 社论漫画家 editorial cartoonist
* 电子游戏设计师 electronic games designer
* 时尚插画 fashion illustrator
* 闪光设计师 flash designer
* 形成布局设计 form layout designer
* 表单设计工具 forms designer
* 图形艺术家 graphic artist
* 图形艺术监室 graphic arts room supervisor
* 平面设计和插图漫画家 graphic design and illustration animator
* 平面设计师 graphic designer
* 平面设计师 - 多媒体 graphic designer – multimedia
* 平面设计师 - 多媒体,互动新媒体 graphic designer – multimedia, interactive or new media
* 图形设计师和布局艺术家 graphic designer and layout artist
* 平面设计师,网页 graphic designer, Web
* 插画 illustrator
* 插画家和平面设计师 illustrator and graphic designer
* 互动媒体设计师 interactive media designer
* 互联网平面设计师 Internet graphic designer
* 布局艺术家 layout artist
* 布局设计 layout designer
* 布局设计,动画 layout designer, animation
* 光刻艺术家 litho artist
* 医学插画 medical illustrator
* 多媒体设计专家 multimedia design specialist
* 多媒体设计师 multimedia designer
* 多媒体插画 multimedia illustrator
* 多媒体教学设计师和Scriptor multimedia instructional designer and scriptor
* 多媒体产品设计师 multimedia products designer
* 多媒体产品designer-ideaman/woman的 multimedia products designer-ideaman/woman
* 新媒体图形设计师 new media graphics designer
* 报纸插画 newspaper illustrator
* 包装设计师 package designer
* 网页设计师 page designer
* 纸证券设计师 paper securities designer
* 象形文字专家 pictographist
* 政治漫画家 political caricaturist
* 政治漫画家 political cartoonist
* 海报艺术家 poster artist
* 注册平面设计师(RGD) registered graphic designer (RGD)
* RGD(注册平面设计师) RGD (registered graphic designer)
* 科学插画 scientific illustrator
* 签署设计师 sign designer
* 体育漫画家 sports cartoonist
* 故事板艺术家 storyboard artist
* 主管,广告艺术 supervisor, advertising art
* 主管,图形艺术室 supervisor, graphic arts room
* 标题艺术家 title artist
* 用户体验设计师 user experience designer
* 壁纸配色 wallpaper colourist
* 壁纸设计师 wallpaper designer
* 网页设计师 - 平面设计 Web designer – graphic design
* 网页平面设计师 Web graphic designer
* 网页设计师 Web page designer



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