舞者 Dancers
舞者头衔范例 Example Titles
* 芭蕾舞演员 ballet dancer
* 芭蕾老师 ballet teacher
* 交际舞教师 ballroom dancing teacher
* 舞蹈教练 dance instructor
* 舞蹈家 dancer
* 民俗舞者 folkloric dancer
* 解释性的舞者 interpretative dancer
* 踢踏舞者 tap dancer
舞者主要职责 Main duties
### 舞者执行部分或全部下列职责:Dancers perform some or all of the following duties:
* 根据指导或指令练习和排练舞蹈动作,以达到预期的阐释和演示
Practise and rehearse dance routines under direction or instruction to achieve desired interpretation and presentation
* 作为独奏家或小组成员在现场观众面前或为电影或电视节目表演舞蹈
Perform dances as soloists or as members of groups before live audiences or for film or television
* 培养和锻炼,以维持所需的能力和健身水平
Train and exercise to maintain the required levels of ability and fitness
* 可自编自演。
May choreograph their own performances.
### 舞蹈教师执行部分或全部下列职责:Dance teachers perform some or all of the following duties:
* 向专业和业余的个人和团体教授舞蹈技巧和艺术演绎
Teach dance technique and artistic interpretation to amateur and professional individuals and groups
* 教授原住民,民族和民俗舞蹈的技术,文化的起源和象征意义
Teach the techniques, cultural origins and symbolic meanings of Aboriginal, ethnic and folkloric dances
* 教授娱乐性质的舞蹈课,如交谊舞
Teach recreational dancing lessons such as ballroom dancing
* 帮助舞蹈学生为具体的试镜和演出做好准备。
Prepare dance students for specific auditions and performances
* 可以专注于特定类型的舞蹈,如芭蕾舞,歌舞厅,民谣,爵士或现代舞。
Dancers may specialize in specific types of dance such as ballet, ballroom, folk, jazz or modern.
舞者职称头衔 All titles
* 芭蕾舞演员 ballerina
* 芭蕾舞演员 ballet dancer
* 芭蕾大师 ballet master
* 芭蕾老师 ballet teacher
* 交际舞教师 ballroom dancing teacher
* 指挥棒捻转教练的 baton twirling instructor
* 肚皮舞者 belly dancer
* 合唱团的舞者 chorus dancer
* 古典舞蹈教练 classical dance instructor
* 古典舞蹈家 classical dancer
* 舞蹈教练 dance instructor
* 舞蹈notator dance notator
* 舞蹈老师 dance teacher
* 舞蹈家 dancer
* 舞蹈教练 dancing instructor
* 民间舞蹈老师 folk dance teacher
* 民间舞蹈家 folk dancer
* 民俗舞蹈老师 folkloric dance teacher
* 民俗舞者 folkloric dancer
* 组舞蹈老师 group dance teacher
* 舞者组 group dancer
* 解释性的舞者 interpretative dancer
* 解释性的舞者 interpretive dancer
* 排舞老师 line dance teacher
* 行的舞者 line dancer
* 表现运动的老师 performance movement teacher
* 挖掘舞蹈老师 tap dance teacher
* 点击舞者 tap dancer
* 芭蕾舞老师, teacher, ballet
* 老师,交谊舞 teacher, ballroom dancing